United Way Mumbai
Baseline Study for Mumbai 360
United Way Mumbai
- 2003 respondents came under the purview of this study. 1834 respondents belonged to 7 slum clusters and Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) buildings/ Economically Weaker Section (EWS) housing societies. Apart from these, 41 households from affluent housing societies and 128 commercial property owners were interviewed.
- 19.96 % of the households earned INR 10,000 or less in a month.
- 59.70% of the respondents did not get natural daylight in their houses.
- 78.03% of children between the ages of 2 and 6 years were not enrolled in pre-school.
- 65.98% of the households did not have an in-house toilet.
- 64.45% of the households did not purify their water in any form.
Exploring housing, education, health, sanitation, livelihoods, and safety in slums to design social programmes within the lens of a ‘Collective Impact Model’
The ‘Mumbai 360’ programme of United Way Mumbai invests in impactful programmes on Education, Health, Skills and Employment, Environment, Public Safety, and Social Inclusion. Ward 175 of F-North Ward in Mumbai was identified as the target geography to initiate the programme.
The key objective of the baseline study by 4th Wheel was to understand the contextual realities and needs of the vulnerable communities living in Ward No. 175.
The study helped in the following ways:
- Recognised the key issues which need to be tackled in this particular geography (a common agenda)
- Built indicators and supporting data which serves as a starting point to measure progress over time (shared measurement systems)
- Identified key organisations which could contribute to social change (mutually reinforcing activities)
- Got multiple stakeholders to ideate solutions for change (continuous communication)
This effort will continue to be guided by the strong vision and networks of United Way Mumbai (backbone support organization), with this study shaping all interventions undertaken in Ward 175.
01. Household Baseline Tool
02. Commercial Establishment Survey
03. Transect Walks
04. Area Profiling Sheet
05. Focus Group Discussions
06. Hypothetical Budgets and Social Mapping
In-depth secondary research relating to urban informal settlements and relevant profiling parameters were the basis for the tools. Sources for secondary data included the following:
- Reports of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India)
- Economic Survey (Government of India and Government of Maharashtra)
- Census reports (Statistical database, Government of India)
- Reports of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM)
An indicator grid, focusing on the six development focus areas and informed by the global indicator framework for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), was developed. The SDG indicators were adapted to the Indian context and were based on standardised measurement tools such as:
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (UNDP)
- Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FAO)
- Community Health Needs Assessment (WHO)
- General Education Quality Analysis Diagnosis Framework (UNESCO)
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Survey (UNICEF & Oxfam)