Tech Cloud Computing Company


Tech Cloud Computing Company  


Mumbai, Maharashtra  


A leading tech cloud computing company undertook significant Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives focusing on development themes, including STEAM Education, Local Tech Upskilling, Hyperlocal Programs for Health, and Environmental Stewardship. The company partnered with 4th Wheel to conduct an urban needs assessment study within a specific geographical area. This strategic delineation allowed for a focused and in-depth exploration of the local needs and resources in the immediate vicinity. This project specifically delves into the information gathered from four identified Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) wards between October 2023 and December 2023.


  • Geographical Assessment: As per the program design, the BMC wards within a 5 km radius of the central point were assessed via secondary research to gain a concise overview of each ward’s population size, rank, number of slum clusters, and geographic characteristics. The detailed demographic profiling of the wards helped understand each area’s distinct characteristics to provide valuable insights for targeted interventions and resource allocation. The number of slum clusters highlighted the need for developmental initiatives in the identified wards.

  • Institution Profiling: The education, healthcare, and skill training institutions, as well as public recreational spaces like gardens in the four wards, were profiled to gain insights into their respective status and needs. The focus was on BMC schools (classes 6th-8th), integrated health posts and dispensaries, VTIs, and BMC-run gardens in designated wards within the study scope.

  • Structured Interviews: Structured interview tools were deployed for each of the respondents, including School Headmasters, Ward-level School officials, Health Post’s Medical Officers, Ward-level Medical officials, VTI students, Ward-level Youth, Skilling NGO Representatives, Heads of Skill Training Departments, Garden Staff, and Ward-level Garden officials.

  • Sampling Techniques: 119 respondents were reached via purposive and snowball sampling.

  • Program Mapping: Existing programs based on contextual development needs, the current presence of development assistance and social organizations, and potential partners were mapped to determine the potential for collaborations with the goal of positive social impact.


  • STEAM Education Necessity: Key challenges identified include outdated curriculum materials, limited dedicated classrooms/laboratories, funding shortages for facility maintenance, and a lack of qualified teachers for science and math subjects. Based on the needs assessment, five schools were identified for prioritization.

  • Community-Focused Healthcare: Despite existing efforts, a significant portion of the population required more awareness of crucial maternal and child health practices, including antenatal care, institutional delivery, and postnatal care. Many in slum areas were uninformed about early detection and treatment for thyroid disorders and tuberculosis despite available diagnostic services. Establishing Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) at the ward level is crucial to enhance neonatal survival rates and provide accessible care for underserved communities. Based on the assessment, five health facilities emerged to be prioritized.

  • Youth Skill Building: The data revealed that the primary aspiration among youth participants is to secure employment, ideally with established companies, to gain relevant work experience. Some students aim for diplomas and engineering degrees, showing interest in advanced vocational education such as food processing, computer programming, and online marketing. However, many lack awareness of modern tech fields like networking, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, and thus miss out on more contemporary and lucrative career paths. Upon impact evaluation, it was found that urgent initiatives are needed to inform about these advanced courses and career opportunities effectively.

  • Garden Amenities: Fitness and children’s playing equipment required regular maintenance. The lack of drinking water facilities led to reliance on plastic bottles, contributing to solid waste. The absence of usable restroom facilities impacted the visitor experience. Gardens lacked designated pet areas. Five such gardens were identified that needed assistance on a priority basis.


  • STEAM Infrastructure Advancement: Establish mini science centers (equipped with science and math models) in schools lacking space and maintenance. Schools can be adopted by contacting BMC’s Education Officer for permission and direct donations or collaborating with relevant NGOs in the STEM education domain, as detailed in the report. To address the shortage of qualified STEAM teachers, capacity-building programs facilitated by the mentioned NGOs are recommended for existing staff alongside lab setup to improve teacher confidence and self-reliance.

  • Increasing Healthcare Access: Collaborate with BMC’s Executive Health Officer to address the absence of specialized medical personnel like gynaecologists in certain health posts. Seek permission to support setting up NICUs in identified BMC Ward hospitals. Partner with NGOs specializing in maternal and child health for behavioral change and awareness programs. Targeted education and outreach efforts are crucial to bridging health knowledge gaps and making sure that communities are informed about essential health practices for timely medical care.

  • Empowering through Up-Skilling: Promote youth enrollment in the company’s cloud computing training programs through NGOs to provide free tech skills training. Integrate the cloud computing curriculum into existing programs and organize awareness campaigns to empower more individuals in underserved communities with essential tech skills. Emphasize soft skill development to bridge the gap between student capabilities and industry expectations.