Phone Surveys for rapid assessments and relevant program (re)design

For uninterrupted and efficient project supervision, monitoring, and evaluation, we have strengthened systems to undertake rapid, remote data collection and phone-based surveys. 

Case Example 

Despite methodological limitations, phone surveys are a very powerful tool to keep in close touch with beneficiaries, generate data to make evidence-based decisions, and design the right solutions. 

Assignment Type: Social Impact Assessment

Thematic Domain: Migrant Labour 

Overview: A social impact assessment study tracing the impacts of a large-scale infrastructure development project has been stalled. While field visits ascertaining effects of the resettlement and rehabilitation have become impossible, 4th Wheel has moved to phone-based data collection to survey the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic and national lockdown. 

Benefits: Collected data is being used to offer relief and support rapid assistance programmes. The team is also connecting with the migrant labour that works on project sites to share information and facilitate government assistance measures towards them.


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