- Mantra4Change, founded in 2013, initiated the Project for Active Cluster Engagement (PACE) in 2017 to address challenges in the education system, particularly ineffective cluster functioning.
- PACE’s program design aimed to foster cohesive collaboration, streamline administrative processes, and implement strategic improvements in clusters typically consisting of 10-15 schools.
- Challenges such as isolation, geographical distance, and inadequate resource utilization hindered cluster effectiveness upon examination during M&E processes. Clusters often rely on a single leader, leading to disjointed efforts.
- PACE emphasized distributed leadership, professional learning communities, and systems to transform clusters into educational innovation and progress hubs.
Initially implemented in five clusters in Southern Bangalore, PACE expanded to encompass all 21 clusters under the Block Education Transformation Project (BETP) by 2021-22.
Study Overview
- An impact assessment study evaluated the effectiveness of the cluster strengthening program in improving school environments and student learning outcomes.
- The study was conducted in two phases, covering clusters from the PACE and BETP programs.
- Five clusters were selected from each program, representing various geographical areas and implementation timelines.
- The study included participation from 638 respondents, including Cluster Resource Persons (CRPs), Headmasters, Teachers, Students, and Parents.
- Outcomes such as resource sharing, teacher leadership, instructional leadership, system leadership, community involvement, collaboration culture, and student outcomes were assessed to guide future program design and implementation after impact assessment.
- Mantra4Change’s support positively impacts the educational landscape, particularly in strengthening Cluster Resource Groups (CRGs) and Cluster Resource Centres (CRCs).
- Clusters are improving, evidenced by increased teacher participation in Cluster Academic Meetings (CAMs), enhanced resource utilization from CRCs, and greater community involvement in education initiatives.
- Schools are improving across various indicators, with collaborative efforts among headmasters leading to enhanced resource availability and effectiveness.
- Evidence suggests that children in better-performing clusters are learning better. There are statistically significant associations between cluster performance and improved student learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy skills.
- Collaborative initiatives among stakeholders, such as regular meet-ups and recognition platforms, foster a supportive educational environment.
- Teacher participation in Cluster Academic Meetings (CAMs) and resource utilization from Cluster Resource Centers (CRCs) enrich teaching methodologies.
- Consistent teacher observations and headmaster training improve teaching practices and school leadership.
- Student development can be nurtured through activity-based learning and the regular organization of extracurricular activities.
- Areas for improvement include further investment in CRCs, prioritizing teacher training in technology and innovative instructional strategies, promoting student-centred learning, empowering Systemic Leadership Committees (SLCs), diversifying community engagement, addressing teacher shortages, and improving school infrastructure.