Covid-19 Relief and Rehabilitation Projects: Impact Measurement and Assessment Trainings
Social Business
- Considering Covid-19, most social sector organisations needed to rethink strategies. A considerable part of CSR spends were deployed for tackling the gross socio-economic repercussions of the pandemic.
- Since the crisis was evolving rapidly, careful monitoring of the direct and indirect effects of all interventions was crucial to ensure that relief and support responses were, and remained, relevant.
- 4th Wheel Social Impact conducted a virtual training program on “Social Impact Measurement and Assessment” in collaboration with CSRBox to build participants’ capacities to commission and implement impact evaluation studies for their organisations.
- The training on indicators, sampling, data collection, and data analysis was contextualised to 6 Covid-19 pertinent areas of intervention- food security and ration provisions, education and digital access, healthcare infrastructure, awareness campaigns on safety, health, and hygiene, WASH infrastructure, and skill training and livelihoods.
- The sessions consisted of a presentation which ensured concept explanations and practical insights, apart from discussions, peer learning, and reflection exercises. Question and Answer sessions were held frequently to clarify queries.
- Insights on the components (population, target, timeline, and threshold) of indicator development were shared. This was accompanied with mapping spheres of influence (individual/household/community) and outcome indicators for each of the six areas of interventions.
- Participants were walked through the activity of building a sampling frame, covering aspects such as identification of main stakeholders, calculation of sample size, and stratification at various levels (state/partner/urban-rural/ gender/ batch).
- In light of Covid-19, insights on virtual data collection were explored. The types of data to be collected (personal, family, implementation, monitoring, feedback), alignment with respondent capacities (digital access, age group, literacy level, interest, time), and resources required for data collection (time-frame, budget and team capacities) for each of the six domains were covered.
- Participants were introduced to innovative communication mediums (podcasts/ multimedia broadcast, fact sheets, online games/ applications, photo stories, animations and videos) and online tools (Plot.ly, Tableau Public, Canva, PowToons, Visme, Rawshorts, Infogr.am, Datawrapper, Haiku Deck, and Piktochart). These could be utilised to communicate in an interactive and engaging manner with different stakeholders.
“I loved the discussion around input, output, outcomes and impact. Most of the CSOs get stuck with input and output throughout the project. This hinders our growth as well as efficiency.”
HarshitaPeople’s Science Institute
I liked the exercise, sampling techniques, data collection and representation tools. The guidance on how to measure the possible impact of advocacy campaigns, and the digital survey tools were particularly useful. The content was insightful and full of practical application. The presentation was engaging, interactive. The resource person, Sharon, was friendly and very patient in answering queries.
I learned how to make the impact assessment meet with international standards. The information provided during the sessions was very helpful. The data presented was easy to understand and implement in the future.
Geetika HazariMeer Foundation