Center for Evaluation (CEval), Germany
Research support for a Fair trade evaluation study
Center for Evaluation (CEval), Germany
Gujarat, West Bengal
- The tea and Cotton Sectors were studied
- More than 300 respondents participated in the study
- Insights were gathered on the impact of Fairtrade on Education, Health, Gender, Labour Rights, Participation, Incomes, Savings, Infrastructure, and Ecological aspects
Study on Fairtrade Impact on Rural Development
In 2012 Fairtrade Germany and Max Havelaar Switzerland commissioned the study “Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade on Poverty Reduction through Rural Development” to CEval GmbH. It was the first time that an impact study commissioned by Fairtrade entities systematically looked into the impact of Fairtrade on rural development. This follow-up study was commissioned to assess the impact of Fairtrade measures (payment of a minimum price, democratically organized workplaces, technical assistance, social programming, and environmental protection) over 5 years on poverty alleviation and sustainable development. 4th Wheel undertook secondary research and desk reviews, determined sampling and stakeholder identification, developed survey instruments, conducted interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and provided logistic and technical support.
01. Surveys
02. Focus Group Discussions
03. Ten Seed Technique
A theory-based contribution analysis was applied, considering Fair Trade’s Theory of Change (ToC) and the research areas of the Committee for Sustainability Assessment (COSA) indicators. Following a case study approach, the findings were mainly based on primary qualitative data collected via FGDs, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and participatory observations. A quantitative seed assessment activity among farmers and workers to assess perception changes over the last five years complemented the field research.